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Success Rate

Years Experience

Happy Customers

Find a Debtor

Have you been the victim of a scam by a fake Forex Trading Broker platform or Cryptocurrency Exchange? Entrust us with your case. We can track down both scammers and funds with our investigations. We have a 94% success rate within 24/72.

Trace Missing Person

Find a father, mother, long-lost friend, old schoolmate, illegitimate child, or even locate an old flame. Rely on our investigators; you will finally be able to find what you are looking for with our detective service. We are able to track people all over the world; it’s only a matter of time.

Serve legal court papers

Trace a beneficiary of a will, who may have lost contact with the family or moved to another country.

Serve legal court papers

Serve legal court papers, in the case of a business dispute, divorce, non-molestation orders or court order.

Award-winning UK Tracing Agents with 40+ years expertise

If you’re looking for a tracing agent then you’ve come to the right place. Every year, thousands of debtors default on their repayments and abscond without leaving a forwarding address and thousands are out of pocket. This is where a professional trace agent like Vilcol can help.

Established in 1980, Vilcol is an award-winning, UK tracing agent based in London. We are one of the longest-standing tracing agents in the UK and have specialist expertise in debtor tracing, financial enquiries, private investigations, credit control services, and serving legal court papers for solicitors and landlords.

With our headquarters based in the UK, we have been providing people-finding services for over 20 years. We are authorized and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).


We are based in London but serve clients across the UK, as well as abroad. We are able to provide information for people living abroad using our large database of private investigators in the UK and almost 100 past years’ general, census, and electoral records.

Let us put our large network of private investigators working for you. Our tracing services are fast, efficient, and thorough. We are able to provide in-depth and up-to-date information on individuals, whether in the UK or abroad.

All our tracing services come with our “no trace no fee” guarantee, while taking between 24 and 72 hours, and achieving a 95% success rate for clients.

If you’re looking for a private investigator that has a 95% success rate to trace someone for you, you’ve come to the right place. Vilcol is an award-winning people finding service and UK tracing agent. We specialize in debtor tracing and private investigations, and we are one of the oldest, most trusted agencies in the UK.

Find our guide on how to trace a person here.

Ready to get started? Get in touch.

What Our Clients Say


Over the years Vilcol has adopted an agile business philosophy, allowing us to grow and adapt to our clients needs, Today we offer a fill range of services to help find debtors and collect outstanding funds.
Trace a person
Looking to trace a person but don’t know where to start? With access to numerous databases, combined with investigative experience, Vilcol is a professional tracing agency with unique people tracing skills that offers unparalleled rates of success. Besides sourcing and confirming the address of individuals we can also often provide other contact information such as telephone numbers and email addresses. So whether you want to trace a relative, an old friend, an old flame, a past business associate, or find an illegitimate child, we can help.
Debtor Tracing & Recovery Services
Why not choose Vilcol with the latest debtor tracing & recovery technology and expertise? All work is carried out by our tracing agents in a legal and ethical manner, in accordance with all current legislation.

We are authorised and regulated by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and have a 98% recovery rate. Find your debtor and reclaim the money that is owed.

Financial Enquries
Vilcol are highly experienced with financial tracing and investigation enquiries including the production of credit check and pre and post litigation reports. A range of options exist, depending on the depth and breadth of the information sought. Just a small fraction of the data we can normally source include verified contact details, current and past employment and directorships, together with property ownership.
Credit Control Services
Concerned about outstanding business debtors? Vilcol offers a range of debtor tracing and credit control services to collect outstanding invoices and inject cash into your company. All work is carried out in a professional and business-like manner, ensuring the very best financial and reputational outcome for your company.
Private Investigations
Are you looking to hire a private investigator? Vilcol also acts as a private detective agency and has an in-house team of highly-skilled and reliable private detectives that can help you with a variety of investigation services including matrimonial, insurance claims, accident investigations and even tenant reference checks.

How to Trace and Recover a Debt

  • Easy advice
  • Steps to take
  • Maximise recovery
  • Lower costs

How to Discover assets

  • Employer details
  • Income sources
  • Buy to let
  • Homeowner

How to Trace a Person

  • No win no fee
  • Registered agency
  • Hight Success
  • Instruct us online

How to Trace and Recover a Debt

  • Easy advice
  • Steps to take
  • Maximise recovery
  • Lower costs

Get in touch

Have a question? Feel free to use the contact form below to get in touch with us. We will answer you as soon as possible.